Friday, June 5, 2015

Update 2 on Bible Quiet Book

I know it's been awhile since I posted anything here about my Bible quiet book, but I wanted you to know I have been working on it quite diligently (at least until recently).

This picture is proof that I have gotten something done!

I had a chance to showcase my work at a homeschool "show and tell" at our church. No, I'm not technically homeschooling yet, but I will be next year. :)

I've completed 8 pages so far. I need to do 6 more and make the cover. Progress is being made! Although I've taken a brief break from my concentrated work to complete some other tasks, I expect to resume my work soon. Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you are making great progress on the quite book. I know that your children will cherish it greatly.

